Buddha Fruit

Demand: Very High
Trend: Stable Icon for the Buddha Fruit pet in Blox Fruits

Beli Values


Icon for Beli in Blox Fruits 1,200,000


Icon for Beli in Blox Fruits 92,000,000

Item Information

The Buddha Fruit is a Legendary rarity fruit in Blox Fruits. It is currently valued between 1,200,000 and 92,000,000 Beli.

There is currently very high demand for the Buddha Fruit. That means there are lots of players trying to trade for this fruit!

The regular version can be purchased from the Blox Fruit Dealer for 1,200,000 Beli. It can also be rolled from the Blox Fruit Gacha with a very low chance. The permanent version can be purchased for 1,650 Robux from the Permanent Fruits menu.

According to our estimates, the value of this fruit is currently stable, so the price not expected to change much.